2013. július 31., szerda

Nyelvtanulási tippek 2

Nos megérkezett a második nyelvtanulási tipp a learnrealenglish honlapról.
Az alábbi úriember azt magyarázza el, hogy úgy tudjuk meggyorsítani a beszédünket, ha NEM tanulunk nyelvtani szabályokat, hiszen
  • az anyanyelviek sem így tanulnak angolul
  • beszéd közben nincs idő ilyesmin gondolkodni
  • és amúgyis az egy utálatos dolog.

Az írásos feladatok megoldásához persze szükség lehet a nyelvtanra, de ott van is idő átgondolni, hogy mit alkalmazunk.

És akkor hogyan fogunk tudni helyesen beszélni, ha nem tanuljuk meg a nyelvtant?
Hallgassunk minél több valódi életből vett, helyes audio anyagot.
Másik módja lehet ennek a könyvolvasás, de ne angol nyelvkönyveket olvassunk, hanem inkább gyerekeknek íródott egyszerű olvasmányokat. (Véleményem szerint a nyelvtanulóknak szánt egyszerű olvasmányok is jó módszer lehet...)

A nyelvtan-tanulás hatékony módjáról az 5 videóban kapunk felvilágosítást.

Ja, és a nyelvtankönyveinket jobb, ha elégetjük (vagy legalábbis elássuk a hátsó kertben)... :-)

Rule # 2 For Excellent English Speaking

Hi, I’m Joe Weiss, and I’m one of the directors of Learn Real English. And today I’m going to be teaching you Rule Number 2 for Excellent English Speaking.
Okay, so what is Rule Number 2? Well Rule Number 2 is quite simple. Rule Number 2 is do not study grammar rules. Do not study grammar rules. Now, I know this may be a surprise to you because your English teachers have always told you that you must study grammar rules. In high schools or secondary schools, in universities, in language schools, the English teachers teach grammar, and then they teach more grammar, and then they teach even more grammar. And that is the method you have used to study English.
So now I have a question for you. Have you been successful using that method? If you’re watching this video then you’ve studied English before. That means you have probably studied a lot of grammar rules.
So you need to ask yourself this question. Can you speak English quickly, easily and automatically? If the answer is no, then you need to ask why not. Why not? Because you have been studying English for many years.
Why can’t you speak English quickly, easily and automatically? Well the answer for most people is because they studied too much grammar. But you are not to blame for this, no. Your English teachers are to blame for this. Because your English teachers made you study grammar. I bet you hated studying grammar rules. But you did it because your English teachers made you study them.
Okay, so why is it bad to study grammar rules? Well, when you study grammar rules then you think about these grammar rules. You think about the past perfect tense, the present perfect tense, the future perfect tense, prepositions. You think about all these grammar rules before you speak. And when you speak, you do not have a lot of time. When you’re writing, you have a lot more time. You can write slowly. You can correct your mistakes. You can even look in a book if you need help. When you’re writing, you have a lot of time. But when you’re speaking, you do not have a lot of time.
When you are speaking, there is no time to think about verb tenses and verb conjugations and definite articles, indefinite articles, adverbs. There is no time to think about those grammar rules when you are speaking. When someone asks you a question, they want you to answer that question immediately.
They don’t want to wait one minute while you’re thinking about grammar rules. No, no, no.
So that is why it is important that you not study grammar rules. When you study grammar rules, then you think about those grammar rules before you speak. And that means that you hesitate before you speak, and you speak much slower and you understand much slower.
Okay, so how do native speakers learn grammar then? Well, I am an English native speaker and I can tell you that I never studied grammar rules when I was a young boy and I was learning how to speak English. When I was 3 years old and I was learning how to speak English, my mother and father never made me study grammar rules. They didn’t do it. So I still speak English very well and I use correct grammar. And I never studied grammar rules. Well, when I was 12 years old, I studied grammar rules in school, but that was for writing. It was only for writing, it was not for speaking. You do not want to study grammar rules for speaking. For writing, it’s different.
Okay, so how do native speakers learn grammar then? Well, they learn grammar through listening, listening to correct grammar, again and again and again and again. And when you listen to this grammar over and over again, it gets stored deeply in your brain. Then, when it is time for you to speak, you will be able to use this grammar because you will know what correct English grammar sounds like.
Okay, so the best way to learn grammar is through input. So listening is one form of input, listening to correct grammar over and over again. Now reading is another form of input. And you can use reading also to learn grammar, but you won’t use it as much as listening. Most of the time you will have listening as your main form of input. But if you do read, please do not read textbooks. You should read easy English novels, maybe novels that a young child would read. But most of your input will come from listening.
You will listen to correct grammar over and over again. And this is how you will learn grammar. This is how a child or a native speaker learns grammar. And you do it quickly, easily and automatically without memorizing any grammar rules.
Okay, so today we’re speaking about Rule Number 2. So tomorrow we will be sending you Rule Number 3. But in Rule Number 5, I am going to tell you a powerful way for you to learn grammar. Be it English grammar or the grammar for any other language. And this is a very simple, powerful way to learn grammar. And I promise you, it will not involve memorizing any grammar rules. So I’m sure you’re happy about that.
But the rule today is Rule Number 2. And Rule Number 2 is don’t study grammar rules. Do not study grammar rules. When you study grammar rules, you think about the grammar before you speak and then you hesitate before you speak. You speak much slower and you understand much slower. So if you have any grammar books, throw them away. Bury them in your backyard. You can even burn them. But if you do burn them, please be safe, okay?
Okay, so this is the end of Rule Number 2. I hope that you’re enjoying the 7 Rules to Excellent English Speaking course.
We are really happy to have you with us. And have a great day and I’ll see you next time. Bye-bye.

2013. július 30., kedd

Extra Sensory Perception - advanced vocabulary exercise

Találd meg a szövegben az alábbi szavak/kifejezések szinonímáját: 

  1. claimed to be true
  2. get
  3. predict
  4. dishonest
  5. proof
  6. examined
  7. range
  8. basic
  9. beam
  10. in search of

Extra Sensory Perception

ESP or Extra Sensory Perception is a catch-all expression for the alleged ability of certain people to receive transmitted thoughts from others, to transmit their own thoughts, to see what will happen in the future or to be able to move objects from one place to another without physically touching them. These special people are called psychics or sensitives. Some believe that we all have this ability to some degree but that most of us choose not to develop it.
Some people are happy to believe in ESP while others are firm disbelievers. Parapsychologists who are dedicated to scientifically studying the claims that are made, lend a certain seriousness to the subject. They have identified four distinct types of ESP:
Clairvoyance describes the act of being able to obtain knowledge of a person or event without the use of the normal senses.
Telepathy is the process by which a person is able to read another person’s thoughts without the use of any of the normal senses.
Psychokinesis is the ability to influence a physical object just by thinking about it.
Precognition is the term applied when somebody is able to foresee future events.
Many people are sceptical about ESP. Alongside the existence of documented evidence there are plenty of claims that have turned out to be fraudulent. For most people it is difficult to accept such claims without having had first hand experience. The lack of scientific evidence is another factor to take into account. On the other hand, most of us have, at some time, experienced a seemingly inexplicable occurrence; hearing the telephone ring and knowing who will be on the other end of the line or cases of coincidence that seem to be too extreme to be accidental.
Over the years there have been numerous ESP experiments conducted by serious scientists in serious institutions. Joseph Banks Rhine, a botanist at Duke University published a famous book in 1934 called “Extra-Sensory perception” in which he claimed to have overwhelming evidence of ESP. However, other scientists have been unable to duplicate his results since, which has resulted in the book losing much of its original credibility and fame.
The Ganzfield experiments are considered to have been the most carefully scrutinised ESP experiments. Alleged psychics had their eyes covered and ears blocked while a “sender” attempted to transmit messages. Later the psychics would compare the messages received to the original messages sent out. There was a great deal of excitement and interest at the time but the research failed to produce convincing results.
One of the strongest criticisms against ESP is that in order for it to exist, the fundamental laws of physics would necessarily have to be broken.
Human beings are attracted to the whole spectrum of supernatural phenomena. ESP will always continue to fascinate. This becomes clear when we see how much of the media is dedicated to the topic; magazines, journals, web sites, television and radio programmes. Some of the most successful (the reader says 'sensible') films in recent years have fuelled interest among the younger generations who are starting to ask the same questions and to look for explanations for the same phenomena as their parents and grandparents before them. Who knows? One day we might just find these answers because one thing is certain: "The truth is out there"!

2013. július 29., hétfő

Teszteld nyelvtani tudásod 2.

Válaszd ki a helyes megoldást!

1.   Mr Green suffers ... asthma.
a.   to                                  c. with
b.   from                              d. –
2.   I can’t give you any because there’s ... left.
a.   one                                c. none
b.   any                               d. no any
3.   The doctor let him go home... he was well enough to leave the hospital.
a.   just                               c. as soon
b.   until                              d. since
4.   Not .. students are capable of learning English.
a.   all                                 c. each
b.   every                             d. any
5.   ‘Can you drive?’ ‘Yes, but I haven’t driven ... four years.’
a.   till                                 c. after
b.   since                             d. for

 A megoldásodat beküldheted a megjegyzés-rovatban!

2013. július 26., péntek

New English File Elementary Unit 1-3 (1 rész)

Az alábbi mondatok a könyv első három unitjára épülnek.

  1. Joe 43 éves, és van 4 gyereke: 2 lánya és 2 fia.
  2. A felesége és a lánya jobb szeret Londonban lakni, de ő az esőerdőben él sátrakban.
  3. A gyerekei nem járnak iskolába, mert Joe a tanáruk.
  4. Néha különböző országokba utazom, néha pedig irodában dolgozom számítógéppel.
  5. Diplomám (speciális képesítésem) van, de nem keresek sok pénzt.
  6. Napközben vagy éjszaka dolgozik a hotelportás, de nem dolgozik a szabadban.
  7. Más emberek sokat sportolnak (sok testgyakorlást végeznek.)
  8. Apám lakása a városközpontban van.
  9. Filip bátyja színész, színházban játszik.
  10. Az apánk mérnök, de már nyugdíjas.
  11. A szülők gyakran mennek be az iskolába, mert kedvelik a gyerekeik tanárját.
  12. A nagynéném egy másik városban lakik.
  13. Ez magas férfi orvostudományt tanul az egyetemen és négy nyelven beszél.
  14. Másold le a mondatokat.
  15. Az éttermek 10 órakor zárnak szombaton, Magyarországon?