Egy újabb tipp a learnrealenglish tanáraitól:
Tekints az angoltanulásra, mint sportra, amit napról napra gyakorolsz. Nem elég memorizálni a kifejezéseket, addig kell gyakorolni őket, amíg gondolkodás (belső fordítgatás nélkül) használni tudod őket. Automatikussá válnak.
Nem az a lényeg, hogy a dolgozatunk hogy sikerül, a vizsgánk milyen lesz (persze ez sem utolsó szempont szerintem - Angoltanár Hódmezővásárhely) hanem, hogy valós helyzetekben tudjuk-e használni a nyelvet.
Ismétlés a tudás anyja - hallgass egyszerű szövegeket, minél többet, amennyit csak bírsz. Így fog mélyen rögzülni benned a nyelv és majd nem kell gondolkodni azon, hogy hogyan is mondj egy helyes mondatot.
Fontos, hogy mielőtt összetettebb nyelvtani szerkezetekre térsz át, automatikussá váljanak az alapok. Csak így lehet rájuk építeni.
Tehát adott szöveget sokszor meg kell hallgatni, akár 1-2 hétig is ugyanazt. Napi 1 órát. Így már a zsigereidben lesz!
Részletesebben a videóban:
# 4 For Excellent English Speaking
I’m AJ Hoge, one of the teachers of Learn Real English. Welcome to day 4 of our
video course. Secret # 4, Rule # 4 is this: learn deeply. Learn deeply. So what
does that mean? Well, of course, deep, if you think of water, like the ocean,
deep means something goes down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down,
down, very, very far. The opposite of deep is shallow, meaning does not go down
far, it’s just a short little bit.
what does that mean when we’re talking about learning? Well, you need to think
about like your mind, your brain. So if you learn something deeply, the idea is
that it goes deep, deep, deep. It goes into your brain very far, meaning that
it’s part of you. You’ll never, never, never forget it. You totally master it.
It becomes simple and easy and automatic. That’s the idea of learn deeply.
you need to think about speaking English like a sport. You see, English
learning, it’s not like math or science. It’s not just something that you
memorize. It’s actually a skill that you need to use, right? You need to
perform. It doesn’t matter how much you remember. What matters is can you do it
when you’re talking in a real conversation. Can you understand instantly and
quickly what the other person is saying? When they ask you questions, can you
understand the question instantly and respond, answer immediately? When you
speak, can you speak easily and automatically without stopping, without thinking,
without worrying about grammar rules, without all of those problems, without
feeling nervous, right?
doesn’t matter what you remember for a test. What matters, what’s important is
what you can actually do in a real situation. If you’re having a job interview
in English, can you do it? Can you actually do it? It doesn’t matter what
happens on the test. What matters is when you’re facing that other person, how
well do you understand? How well do you speak? How relaxed do you feel? How
confident are you? Right?
what you want.
want to actually be able to do it. And that’s more like a sport. And so you
need to start learning English like you’re training, like you’re preparing for
a sport. And that’s why learning deeply is so important.
imagine this. Let’s imagine, let’s say a basketball player. Now basketball
players, they have to be very, very good at the basics, the most important
parts of playing basketball. That is the most important thing. If you ever
watch interviews with the really great basketball players, the top ones, they
will always say that the basic skills are the most important. Now these guys
can do very advanced, amazing things. But if you listen to these interviews,
they always say that mostly what they practice are the basic skills, the basic
skill of shooting. They will practice that basic skill of shooting, shooting
and shooting, thousands and thousands and thousands of times. Even though they
are already one of the best in the world, still every day they practice that
basic skill again and again. Or dribbling, which is bouncing the ball, right?
And passing it, those super basic skills they continue practicing them forever.
practice those skills thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of
times. So that they never have to think about them, so during a game they just
shoot. They don’t think about their arm and what they do with their legs, no.
It’s so automatic. They’ve practiced it so many times. It’s so deep in their
brain that they just do it. It’s totally without effort, super easy, same with
passing, same with bouncing and dribbling.
that’s what you need to do with English. You need to have that same feeling
that when you speak, there’s no effort, there’s no thinking. It just comes out
easily and automatically. And the only way you do that is by focusing on deep
learning. It means you totally master something. See, this is the problem in school.
In school, teachers and schools are always trying to make you go faster,
faster, faster, more, more, more, more.
never learn anything deeply, right? They’ll teach you the past tense, for
example. And maybe you’ll practice it two, three, four weeks. And then take a
test. And then you go to the next chapter and they teach you, y’know, the past
progressive or, y’know, the present perfect, or some other verb tense. And you
study that one for a few weeks. And then they teach you another one, and then
another one, and another one.
you never really learn the past tense deeply. And so you’re getting all these
verb tenses and all this grammar and this vocabulary, but you never learn any
of it deeply so that you can use it automatically without thinking. It’s always
more, more, more, faster, faster, faster. That is the opposite of deep learning.
you need to do is slow down and repeat more. Repetition is the mother of skill,
that’s a Tony Robbins quote and I love it. It means if you really want to be
skillful at something, you really want to be able to do something well, you
have to repeat it many, many, many times. That means, for example, with the
past tense, you need to hear that thousands upon thousands and thousands and
thousands of times correctly so that it goes so deep inside you that you just
feel it. You know when it’s correct. You know how to use it and you never have
to think of it.
course, when I speak English and use the past tense, I never think about
grammar rules at all, or any verb tense. I don’t think about them, because I’ve
heard them so many times. And especially when I was a child nobody forced me to
study advanced grammar rules. Nobody confused me with that. Instead I listened
to lots of simple language, lots of simple basic language, basic sentences,
basic grammar, from my family for several years. And I didn’t learn that
advanced stuff until much later, until I had totally mastered the basics.
that’s what you need to do, too. You need to really start focusing on repeating
more. So that means that when you have a lesson, for example, let’s say you’re
using one of our lessons. Instead of just studying it a couple of days and then
going to the next one, and then study that one a few days, and then going to
the next one, and trying to go very fast, you’ll do the opposite. You’ll take
one lesson set. You’ll listen to it every day for one week or two weeks, maybe
even longer.
will keep listening to it every single day, maybe one hour a day, until you
totally know it deeply inside and you can use it easily. So that when you’re
listening to that lesson you understand all of it instantly. No thought,
nothing, it’s super easy. And then you’ll still listen a few more days. And
that’s how you will get deep inside of you so that you can stop translating and
stop thinking and just use English automatically, effortlessly.
learn deeply means repeat everything a lot, many, many, many times. So you want
every audio that you listen to, every lesson set from us that you listen to.
You want to listen to it for at least seven days and two weeks is even better,
every single day for 14 days, or every single day for seven days, between that
amount of time. So that at the end of that you totally and completely know it
very well.
in every one of our lessons, we’re going to repeat the basics, the most
important parts of the language again and again and again. So when you go to
the next lesson, you’re still going to get a lot of repetition. And when you go
to the next one, you’ll get a lot of repetition. And in this way we train you, we
teach you to not only know English for a test, but to actually use it correctly
and easily every time. And that’s what you really want.
that’s it. That is Rule # 4: learn deeply. Alright, we’ll see you again
tomorrow. Have a great day. Bye-bye.
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